First wig or toupee clips
I use these in alteration with bobby pins to attach a cable to someone.
Next would be Tagaderm tape and medical tape.
Tagaderm or medical tape is super useful to get microphone cables to attach to a person's body. The great thing about Tagaderm is that is it super hard core and doesn't come off easily. The bad thing about Tagaderm is that it is super hardcore and doesn't come off easily. It leaves a residue on the cable that is hard to get off. But I have a remedy for that too.
Isoporpyl Alcohol this can sanitize a surface but also can take tape residue off a mic cable.
Floral wire
#30 to be exact.
Its small and can be bent and moved easily. If I am using a wig line mic on someones face I wrap the floral wire with it about 3 inches from the end then take the wire down to the edge about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch from the head of the microphone. wrap it around the cable once then bend down just before you come to the head. This allows sweat to drip off the mic without damaging the physical mic.
For one show I had 8 lapel mics and needed head mics (it was RENT) and so I made head contraptions out of small gauge electrical cable (single style) and attached the mic to the cable using spike tape. If the cable was blue, orange tape was used. Pink/ green... so on and so on.
There was a sound blog that actually suggested a certain kind of marker in different colors as well as finger nail polish and nail polish remover to repaint the cable to hide in peoples hair and skin tone better. I don't do this but I have thought about trying it.